The wind has taken its toll on the sweet peas, they have nearly all blown over. I took them down today, along with the runner beans as they were all growing together. They filled my 2 new compost bins!. The baby pumpkins have been picked and we still have a few cobs of corn left!
I planted up some winter crop lettuce and checked on the curly kale in the new mini greenhouse
The days are numbered for Mrs Frisby and her babies. They have now eaten they way through the base of my new clematis that i planted next to the shed.
The winter spinach and swiss chard is doing well, but i need to build a fleece type thing to protect the plants from the worst of the frost. The village, well 8 houses if you can call that a village, sits in a dip surrounded by fields, so the frost tends to stay for longer. I bought some fleece in Germany and now need to build a frame to staple it to. Will take Jase's car to Wickes as I don't think i'll get that much in Mortimer!
Shirley is still laying well and today we had a soft egg in the nest box, so someone is trying to lay again! Probably Laverne as she is now fully feathered around her frilly knickers and just has her tail feathers to grow back fully. Babs is back to top chook and refused to let the others enjoy an afternoon snack of spinach leaves!
Last day off tomorrow, then back to work for 4 days, Booooooo
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stop me being locked up for posting to myself.....