My third favourite thing, after an overflowing fridge, and a packed log store, (not forgetting rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens) is receiving parcels through the post! Look what arrived today!
Wet walnuts in a stunning box. I have a box addiction as well as jam jars, pens, pencils, paper and fabric, so can add this to my collection. Jase will be pleased! A massive thank you to Louise (aka Cloots) from the Omlet forum.
My headache continued today and I think it is the stress of the Christmas fayre is getting to me. I spoke to them today and they informed me the Committee would be meeting at 4pm and would inform me on TUESDAY! My heart sank, but what choice do I have? He did say that they were impressed with the items I gave them and that they were different to everything else they had seen. That is a good thing. Apparently. He will take a look at the 'quality' and inform me via email. Will try and forget about it until next week.
I was feeling festive today, so decided to bake some Christmas cakes. Like you do in October. I found 2 jars of dried fruit, that had been soaking in Brandy since Nov '08. You could say it has steeped for long enough. I made 6 cakes! No Christmas carols today. My head could barely cope with the oven fan. a huge one still in the oven. 1 made in a sweetcorn tin and 4 in half size baked bean cans! The, erm, mice have eaten half a small one. Quality control purposes you understand *wink*
Why is it you realise you have run out of something, 2 minutes before you need it? The cake mix was ready, just lacking one minor ingredient. Flour. I dashed down the road and bought a couple of bags, only to discover a large jar of it hidden in the utility room. Arrgggghhhhh! Managed to grab a few handfuls of blackberries on the trip home though. They have nearly finished for the year, but I now have quite a few tucked away in the freezer.
I had a bag of cooking apples left for me after my last blog entry, about lack of fruit. Thanks Amber! I decided to bottle them along with some pears from our tree.
3 jars and two have sealed well. The largest one didn't. Typical. Will add them to the blackberries and freeze the lot for crumbles.
I made a couple more draw string bags today -
I really like the way they turned out and would rather keep them, than sell at the fayre. (Maybe I will be keeping them?!? No, have faith Christian)!!!
I know that you have all seen my beeswax candles, but here is a picture with my new business card!
I have attached them to everything! Hee hee. Maybe I should have ordered more than 200?
After seeing a lunch bag on a 'crafty' site, I thought about trying to make my own. Theirs was made with white fabric, (would get dirty quickly - ahhhh, I sound like my Mum) and had a knife and fork embroidered on the front. Knowing my limitations, I went for a patterned fabric, thus solving the problem! Still more practice needed with the needle.
Remember the spinach I planted a few weeks ago - rations for the girls over winter? Look at it now! I think it has doubled in size since the torrential rain we had yesterday.
No eggs today. What makes it worse is the sound of next door's bantams announcing another egg has been laid! They aren't supposed to lay well, but are doing a very good job. Agnes' comb is still very pale and has shrunk quite considerably. Don't think she or Cornelia will lay again until the Spring. Never mind, they aren't machines. Although £1.94 for 4 free range eggs in Waitrose is shocking! Might have to adjust our prices.
Time for bed now....have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Jase should be home by 10am ish and then we have visitors for the weekend - should arrive by 10pm as driving 'doon' from Scotland.
Thanks for reading!
C x x
Desperate to know if you got a stall!