I am just as scared now. The Fayre is tomorrow and I popped in today to see the hall and tables. Came home and decided to set up the dining table for a practice run. I HAVE SO MUCH STUFF!! Everything was laid out and I was rearranging and tweaking, adding the odd gold coin here and a cinnamon stick there, until I realised that the 4 trays of jams, jellies and mincemeat were still upstairs, along with a huge sacks of cushions, stockings and draw string bags! *shock*
Lavender bags, wheat pillows, oatie biscuits and a cheeky elf skittle in the background
I have no idea how I am going to fit it all on the table. Will only put a few of each thing out. The rest can stay hidden under the table cloth!
Scottie dog brooches, fruit cakes, pot plants with garden markers and fabric vases at the back. If it stood still long enough, it got tied up in ribbon and adorned with a bauble!
I spent yesterday making small Christmas cakes and decided not to ice them. Nigella's recipe, you can't go wrong. Good old Miss Lawson. I can't be the only one who's stomach turns at the thought of marzipan. I wrapped them in greaseproof paper and decorated each one with brown paper and ribbon etc
Made 80 odd oatie biscuits today and ate a few as they weren't perfect, I am all baked out. Jase is in Milan, but will be home late tonight. Too tired to do anything. Arm is killing me from the swine flu jab a couple of days ago.
Have lots of snacks in the fridge for tomorrow. It is going to be a long day, so have stocked up on diet coke, apple juice and sausage rolls. The staples of life.....! Will fill a few bagels and get the thermos out later. I like to be prepared (and would never go hungry)!!
The girls are fine, sloshing around in the mud that was once a dry corner of the garden. They will get a thorough clean out next week. Eglus and runs out, dig over the whole area and put everything back. My back is really looking forward to it! Elsbeth is still the only one laying. One day off, one day on - like this for 3 weeks now. At least we are getting some eggs a week. Next door have lots of bantam eggs if I need them!
Resisting the urge to light the fire. It is all stacked ready to light tomorrow night, but it is perishing outside. Might just have to strike a match to try and thaw out my hands and feet.
I have received so many good luck wishes for the stall tomorrow and just wanted to say thank you to everyone. *Smiles*
I have worked really hard to get things ready and am happy with everything I have made, so hopefully will do well. I am a Christmas fayre virgin, so will just try and enjoy the weekend - have seen a few bits for sale on other stalls, so no doubt will come home with a few nice bits........
Sod it, am off to light the fire now. Hope I sleep tonight!
C x x
p.s Camera is charged so will take piccies tomorrow.