Spent last week being creative and made my Nephew and Niece an Easter bag each. Not the best picture, but you get the idea. An 'E' and a 'G' if you can't make it out.
Each one is filled with chocolate treats and I am quite pleased with the results.
I did another chicken course last weekend, which went well and have another planned for Saturday. Have just sold the last 2 places so a full house of 6! I have added a couple more for April so we will see if they fill up.
Been a good week so far, most of my flights are empty and have had nice crews. Off out for dinner later this evening and one flight home tomorrow. I then have 10 days off! Really need to do some more work in the garden as it has been neglected slightly. The compost bins still need turning and I plan to get some summer bedding in the ground next week.
Fine looking compost!
My broad beans are doing well and need planting out soon. Planted my onions and carrots in a dedicated bed this time round. I never do very well with carrots usually, so I am hoping them will come up this year. I have edged the bed with onion sets to ward off the dreaded carrot root fly :0) The sweet peas are in, so I am happy. I always do well with them and have some seeds from Hampton Court flower show from last year. 3 different varieties and way too many seeds planted, but you can never have too many.
For some reason Cornelia has decided to make her dust bath in the 'old' girls' eglu! Every time I am not looking, she is in there throwing aubiose all over the place. She loves it! Excuse the state of the nest box - pre cleaning out.
They have all been laying well and we regularly get 4 and 5 egg days now. Mum and Dad came over on Sunday and went away with 5 boxes of eggs. It is lovely to have eggs everywhere and I will never tire of the sight of them all lined up in boxes ready for sale. It is like having a full log store or fridge, which I have mentioned before. I am convinced I was a hunter/gatherer in a past life! ;0)
I managed to pick up some material in a second hand shop. Very 'Laura Ashley' floral print, which I am not usually into, but this is nice stuff. 2 square metres for £2. Have already made some small bags with it and some natural calico and they look very summery. Nice to pop little presents in.
Off to have a quick nap before dinner as I was up at 4 this morning *shock horror*
Enjoy the sunny weather!
C x x
Hooray for spring!