Saturday, June 14, 2008

Little Weed

Spent most of yesterday weeding the front garden and the small patch outside the kitchen window. Ever since I hurt my back at work, I am very conscious of treating it with care, but I over did it yesterday. The whole area is weeded and barked now, so that should stop the weeds. For a week. The pain in my back didn't really kick in until 8pm, but it was pretty bad. I am under strict instructions to do nothing far I have hung out the washing, stripped the bedding and been to the garden centre and butchers! Hee hee.

I am on day 2 of 13 days off and have lots to do. The garden needs serious attention, but it will get there. I pulled up the spinach and chard that had gone to seed and planted the courgettes.

Mrs Frisby and her extended family have decimated my carrots! The raspberry canes have also taken a hit. I say hit, there is not a single leaf left on any cane!! We are surrounded by corn fields so I really can't see why they are feasting here. Variety is the spice of life I suppose. Will get some mouse traps. Or a cat.

We had friends over to stay yesterday/today and cooked beef olives and roast potatoes for dinner. Jase did a prawn and salmon starter which was delish! We had roast parsnips, carrots, broccoli and red cabbage too, swimming in dark beef gravy! All too full for dessert. The fire was lit and appreciated by all. It was cold last night. That's my excuse anyway.

The verges down our lane are 5 foot high with grass and cow parsley and need attention too. Luckily the farmer does it all (though not often enough). The elder trees are bursting with flowers and I need to make some elderflower cordial at some point. Will leave lots for the berries. Mum likes elderberry jam, so will do some for extra Christmas pressies.

Shirley is fine and was like a new chicken the following day. I received regular text message updates from next door while I was away. She even laid a massive egg on Friday. Was supposed to take her to the vet for another check up, but she has been fine all week, so cancelled. I still have antibiotics for her if she needs them.

Winifred, Elsbeth and Prudence have been laying nearly every day and are keeping us (and Mum and Dad) in eggs. Still nothing from Laverne. Freeloader.

Off to wrap my Nephew's birthday pressie now, as I am seeing him tomorrow. He is 6 now and still a cutie. Think he will prefer the Power Rangers wrapping paper to his actual present!!

Load number 2 is ready to hang out, so better get to it. Will take pictures of the garden when I get a chance.

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