I popped over to my friend's house at Ruby Cottage and left with a fair old bounty!

Apples, plums and damsons aplenty!! Literally more damsons than I could pick. The tubtrug picture above is about 5% of what was on the tree! I managed to pick some elderberries and wild crabapples on my way home too!
The raspberries are doing fantastically! Even though they are an Autumn fruiting variety, they are growing well and giving me a handful a day! I guess summer is over, so Autumn is on the way. The trees are starting to turn to gold and red, so not long until the first frost :0(

Getting there with the stall preps. Not long until the fair now. 24th of September is D-Day! A shame to waste the garden bounty, so made a few jars of apple and blueberry jam -

With some many damsons, I spent hours and hours destoning them in preparation for damson ketchup. A mind numbing job, but necessary. It took so long to prepare and after a life time, washing, stoning and sorting them, chopping onions and trying to scrub my hands of brown damson juice!! It was well worth the effort as it tastes wonderful with sausages!!

12 jars of plum and ginger jam -

and 13 bottles of damson cordial that I forgot to take pictures of!
Jase and i had to go to Hungerford to get his car serviced yesterday. I had to bring him back home as the garage needed the car all day. Shame to go so far and not wander around, so we had tea and croissants in a pub and then headed to Hungerford Arcade. I am not sure if I have mentioned this place before? It is an Aladdin's cave of stuff. Loads of little rooms filled with nic naks and lovely things! I am not to be trusted. Especially when I am moving soon, it seemed daft to buy anything.
That was until I came across an old quilt. The label said £57. Who am I to refuse such a bargain??
The man at the till said it was £51 as he 'was being nice'!! Made my day!!

Delighted with my purchase, we celebrated in the attic of the building - a small tea room serving breakfasts, scones etc. According to Jase, the chef was very interested in me. *confused* I said he was just being friendly, but Jase was convinced I was getting the eye and the chef kept staring. I must have had a bit of scrambled egg stuck to my mouth or something??
Agnes is finally over her broodiness. Cornelia is moulting and the other two are laying an egg every other day. Luckily nextdoor have gone on holiday, so I am bantam sitting the 3 balls of fluff. 3 eggs today! Woohoo....!
The survey came back on Bramble Cottage. Loads of problems, new windows and drain pipes needed, damp everywhere, but I don't care! It is lovely (or will be, when I am finished). About a month now until I am hoping to move in. Scary!
Right, time for bed. Up at the crack of sparrows tomorrow for a 7am stand by.
C x x x
Christian, you need to go back to check out that chef and see if he was interested in you... was he cute?
ReplyDeleteLove the sound of damson ketchup! The most I ever do with mine is damson gin.
ReplyDeleteI love reading your blog!
ReplyDeleteFirst I check out Omlet and then see if you have updated your blog!
Good luck with the move!
louise x
I live in Hungerford Christian. I will do some research on the chef! I love reading your blog. Alison x