I have finally finished the wedding favours. They are wrapped, posted and have arrived safely! I think. Slight damage to the box, but haven't had a screaming bride-to-be calling yet!
And wrapped up! -
As I mentioned before, Jase started radiotherapy last week and has had 10 'zaps' so far. 15 more to go. He is doing well and isn't too tired, but has the odd day where he feels whacked. They did advise him that the treatment might be tiring. I am secretly hoping that he will also gain super powers as is so often the case with radiation.
The strawberry cage is producing fruit! Here is our first harvest. Modest to say the least, but it is their first year in situ. Next year i will be jammin' for England!!
I am going to attempt my first craft fair this year The Fairground near me always hosts a Christmas fair in November and I am going to attend this year. That is, if they will let me!! I have to show them my wares to see if they are up to scratch. Blimmin' cheek really as I am paying for a stall!! If the timing is right, I will also do the local school Christmas fayre. I've been told it is full of 'Yummy Mummies' with more money than sense! "Anything with a gingham ribbon will fly off the stall" according to my source! Sounds like the kind of thing I buy!
Have already started making lavender bags using lovely fabrics from ebay. 40 down and lots more to go. Will post pictures soon. The jars and bottles have arrived -
On Saturday I braved the new Ikea in Southampton. A glutton for punishment. In fairness it wasn't too vile, but after nearly 2 hours sat on the motorway, stuck in traffic, I was desperate for meatballs and chips. Just to up my blood sugar level you understand. Picked up enough candles to last a lifetime. We should be self sufficient in candle light for several months. £45 total for a trip to Ikea is unheard of. Although a few metres of gorgeous fabric were purchased.
I am now back at work for 5 days, awful there and backs and no night stops. July is a much better roster, so looking forward to shopping my way around Europe. A quick Glasgow and back today (was up at 3.30am) but still feeling remarkably awake.
My new trial contact lenses arrived, so I thought I would wear them to work today. They were fine in the house but my vision rapidly deteriorated by the time i hit the motorway. Foggy eyes and 'surprise' road works, with cones everywhere, are not a good combination. Turns out I had them in the wrong eyes. I worry about me sometimes.
The girls are laying really well. We gave Mum and Dad 5 boxes yesterday. Next door got a box today too. 4-5 eggs a day and no sign of slowing down. Have just jinxed them now! I do wish they would take a break sometimes.
Time to sat nightie night.
Hope you all have a good week. The temperature is set to soar this weekend. Oh, and in answer to your question Chickenlover, my legs are still gloriously brown!
C x x x
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stop me being locked up for posting to myself.....