I don't have to worry about jam/jelly!! I made 22 jars of apple and damson jam the other day and another 13 jars today. So we have 40 ish jars of plum related jelly, 16 jars of onion jam, 8 jars of chutney and 35 jars of apple and damson jam.
I bottled the last of the plums from our tree.
3 jars boiling away to steralize them. I used a cinnamon syrup this time and didn't bother to stone them first. Will squirrel them away for later in the year, when I fancy a crumble.
I also made 6 jars of Jumbleberry jam. A mixture of raspberries, blueberries and elderberries from the garden, with blackberries from the lane. It is delicious! I might keep it for us. I went brambling again yesterday, but got caught in a down pour and decided to call it a day, plodding home looking like a drowned rat.
The last of my blueberries were picked for the jumbleberry jam, but the raspberries are doing really well. I planted Autumn Bliss as autumn raspberries grow on this years canes. It means that I can cut them down each year and don't have to worry about tying in this years' canes for fruit next year, like summer fruiting varieties. A quick chop and mulch every winter and they are done!
The runner beans have nearly finished and we did quite well with the crop this year. I only planted a few plants as we can't seem to keep up with the masses of beans they produce. I cannot stomach runner bean chutney and the freezer is packed so the few handfuls of beans we did get were perfect. The pumpkins and winter squash are coming on too. The small fruits are staring to swell nicely.
I did a lovely trip last week and 2 of the crew saw the pictures of the things I am making. They placed orders!! Quite a lot actually. I have made a tea cosy today, but the rest can wait until after the fair. I need to crack on and make a few Christmas cakes soon as I already have orders stacking up. They proved very popular at the Christmas fair last year.
Apart from the above, I am plodding on as always. Still getting tired, which is a slight cause for concern. I am fine one minute and exhausted the next. Mum mentioned diabetes, but I was one step ahead of her and googled that months ago. The NHS website is scary, it is amazing what you could have! Best not to look. I think it is just the aftermath of being ill a few weeks ago. No more trouble with tonsillitis luckily! I have lost over 1/2 stone, which can only be a good thing.
We had an oil delivery last week so winter preps are well under way. The chimney is being swept next week but I still need to organise a log delivery (preferably when I am away and Jase is here *wink*) and then I'll be happy. Bring on the snow!
Time for bed now, as have been busy all day. A couple of chapters left of my book, so will retire now and finish that off. I hate finishing a book. Especially when it is a trilogy.
Night night,
C x x
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stop me being locked up for posting to myself.....