The holiday was wonderful. Lots of prawns and garlic, lying by the pool relaxing. Doing very little. Read a few books and got a tan. Was so relaxed that I caught a cold on my last day and am still suffering a bit. We got back on Sunday morning at 3am! Have been off all week sick. Never mind, I am sure work coped without me.
We did manage to visit the pottery place that we went to last year. I made a few *cough* purchases!
I have explained about my terracotta pots addiction before. They were really cheap and I plan to use them at the Christmas fayre later in the year.
I got some lovely presents for my birthday. A water butt for the shed, (only I could get excited by that), several books , a pastry brush, jelly mould, pot brush, lip balm kit, t-shirts and a selection of 'old time' sweets like cola cubes, flying saucers and sherbet dipdabs!! The range of chicken related cards was amazing!!!
The veggies have come on leaps and bounds in the week we were away.
The broad beans are in flower -
The potatoes are doing ok -
....and the potato bags -
I have been feeling ok in the day, but come 7pm I was feeling bad again. Popping paracetamol every 4 hours helped! I went into Marlborough to get some more fabric to make a few more cushions yesterday. They had sold out of the fabric I wanted! I did pick up a few nice pieces though!!
Will use this to make hearts for the hot water bottles I plan to sell.
Too nice and soft to refuse! I am a nightmare in fabric shop and feel like a child in a sweet shop. My friend Kate did warn me, but I didn't believe her!!
As 'my' fabric was sold out, I bought another one and made a few cushions.
They have pride of place in the spare room, as we have friends staying this weekend.
Have just finished baking a victoria sandwich and 40+ oatie biscuits. As the weather is so good, we will probably do a Barbeque tomorrow. Need to head out early and get supplies. Potato salad is a must for outdoor dining. Will make a batch in the morning.
Next door did a marvelous job at looking after the chickens. They didn't get many eggs all week, but judging by the amount of mixed corn that has vanished from the tin, I am not surprised. They got 2 eggs a day, most days. We got 4 the day we turned. The Girls obviously knew we were due back! Cornelia was a full blown broody hen the day we left, but snapped out of it according to the text message I got. She was so funny, sat fluffed up on the nest. I dragged her out and she just sat on the bark, squawking again. She still isn't laying though. 15 days now!
Right, time for bed. Will have to get up early to get everything ready. Promise I will be back soon. My roster for June is the worst I have ever had. No nightstops, only day trips, so I will be around more!
Night night
C x x