We have seen a utility room type set up in Ikea that will be perfect and not too pricey. Lots of shelves for my ever expanding jam jars collection!
Jase was up with the lark this morning, so i got up with him. Had baked hobnob biscuits by 7.15am and done two loads of washing.

I let the girls out when it was light and was greeted by an egg from Winifred and a filthy nest box, courtesy of Shirley. She always sleeps in there and fills it with her very special 'egg' over night! A quick 'poo pick' with some kitchen roll and all is well again.
My hen party on Sunday went well, but i though it was 10.30am not 10am! Luckily everything was ready to go as the guests arrived!!! Nice bunch of people who seemed really keen on the girls. Only Winifred was up for a cuddle. Laverne and Shirley are getting wise to me grabbing them now. Will have to hide my filofax from them so they can't see future course dates.
My next few courses are sold out with only a couple of places available now. Have added an extra date in March and will check out my April roster soon. Oh, I wish I could do it full time!!!
After a quick, cheap (yer right) visit to Waitrose yesterday, I popped into Lidl (dark glasses and head scarf so as not to be recognised). I bought another cherry tree for £4 and a couple of blackcurrant bushes for a £1 each! Oh and a mini greenhouse with basil and pumpkins seeds for 69p each. Bargain!
I have managed to lose a couple of pounds, but the biscuit making will put a stop to that. The Christmas chocolate mountain is dwindling slowly (ok, really quickly) but as Jason can't eat fat, I am unsure as to where it is going?? I bet we have mice! *sniggers*
We have a log delivery arriving this afternoon and Jason is away for 3 days. I timed that badly! Looks like I will have to stack the logs this time.
Its cold outside but sunny, so will put on my woolly hat and potter around the garden later. Plant a few seeds and generally tidy up. Might even let the girls into the veggie garden, once I have fenced off the spinach.
C x